Purple Paws 2nd Chance Rescue
Foster Waiver Release of Liability Agreement

Hereafter the person(s) fostering the dog and representing the household will be referred to as theParticipant:
This document affects and limits your legal rights. You must read this document carefully andconsider it before you sign this document. If you do not understand any part of the document arepresentative from Purple Paws 2nd Chance rescue will explain it to you. The participant(s) for himself/herself and on behalf of his/her heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kindischarge Purple Paws 2nd Chance Rescue as follows:
1. DISCLOSURE OF RISK: I am fully aware that fostering any animal through Purple Paws 2nd Chance Rescue or volunteering for the rescue has known and unknown risks. I acknowledge thatfostering any animal or volunteering at any event with rescue animals may carry potential of injury, loss of property, and physical harm. The risks may include but are not limited to, beingbit or nipped by rescue animals, lifting animals or crates, vehicular traffic, actions of other people including, but not limited to, participants, volunteers and spectators. These risks are notonly inherent to participants but also present for volunteers.
2. TO ASSUME ALL RISKS INHERENT TO PARTICIPATING IN RESCUE WORK: I freely and voluntarily assume and accept the risk of any injury or harm to my person or property whichmay result from fostering any animal.

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